Saturday 18 September 2010

Q&A: Why do people care so much about the private lives of celebrities? Do you believe in global warming?

Q. Why do people care so much about the private lives of celebrities? Is it idol worship, schadenfreude, or something entirely different?

GR: I think mostly it is denial tinged with escapism, People can project their own insecurities and prejudices onto these effigies, sacrificially offered up to the pyre. That or maybe life is so mundane for some people, that they only find joy through invasion and stalking the private lives of others? Maybe both, but there is always a jealousy! Personally I think there are more important things to worry about than who's doing what with who, and they were wearing what?!

Q. Do you believe in global warming? Do you think the sustainability concept is undervalued, valid, or taken too far?

GR: I don't know what to believe sometimes... I think that we as a race need to be more respectful and mindful of our home planet. People will care about their house and their car, which are ultimately commodities... but they wont give a second thought for their planet... methinks our priorities are somewhat confused!

 Q&As from

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